Additional Limudei Kodesh Courses

Sichos Mussar

This course is a special opportunity to delve, reflect, and introspect, through the Sichos of Rabbi Chaim Shmulevitz zt"l, Reb Chaim's Discourses. Students will be inspired through many deep Hashkafah lessons and grow in their understanding of the Torah. Students will also learn practical lessons to apply to their daily lives.

Pirkei Avot - Developing an Ethical Identity 

This course offers students the opportunity to explore this fundamental ethics text in-depth. Classes will focus on understanding the Mishna with accompanying parshanut from classic and contemporary sources, as well as the application of the ideas in a modern context. Topics include faith - blind or rational, divine values versus subjective human values, man’s search for meaning in life, and free will and determinism.

Medical Ethics and Halacha

This course provides an in-depth analysis of halachic sources regarding cutting edge issues at the interaction of medicine and halacha. We present the medicine relevant to the topic, examine basic halachic texts, and critically analyze the modern opinions in light of science and halachic sources. The course covers topics relating to fertility, such as fertility treatments, abortion and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and end of life issues, such as DNR, euthanasia, undergoing risky procedures, brain death, autopsies and organ donation.


Just like the strength of any structure relies on its foundations, our goal is to carefully erect fundamental pillars within the minds and hearts of our students. As our students transition from children to young adults, we aim to cement and solidify their foundations in אמונה and self-awareness. At this pivotal stage, core understandings in יהדות cannot be taken for granted, and basic premises in self-awareness must be taught and reinforced. 

In each year of high school, students will spend time learning about fundamental Jewish questions and themes. The goal of the Hashkafa curriculum is to inspire students to consider their own personal connection to different aspects of Jewish life. 

The sequence of the Hashkafa curriculum is:

9th Grade:

Middot: Identity and Character Development 

10th Grade:

Understanding Tefilah

11th Grade:

Understanding Tefilah

12th Grade:

Foundations of Jewish Thought