

The primary goal of the Chumash program is to teach the skills and love of learning that are necessary for a lifetime of Torah study. All Chumash classes utilize chavruta study to develop textual and analytical skills that equip our graduates to study Chumash seriously and independently. 


9th Grade: Sefer Shemot

10th Grade: Sefer Bamidbar

11th Grade: Sefer Vayikra & Devarim

12th Grade: Sefer Bereishit


The goal of the Navi program is to familiarize students with the world of Tanach as an expression of the eternal relationship between Hashem and the Jewish people, and its message to their lives today. Using the wealth of tools from the classical parshanim up until contemporary approaches, students develop skills to analyze the various layers of Tanach. Students gain tools to independently decipher the language, narrative, literary themes and parshanut of the Navi, leading to a life inspired by the study of Tanach and its eternal messages.


9th Grade: Sefer Melachim

10th Grade:

Selections from Nevi’im Acharonim - 

Sefer Yeshayahu & Sefer Yirmiyahu

11th Grade: Chamesh Megillot 

12th Grade:

Sefer Tehillim

Sefer Mishlei

Sefer Daniel